Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Hey, my name name is N.V. Melody (but just call me Mel : D ) and most (if not all) of you probably know me from Figment and that's awesome because I've managed to get you here!!! YES!! Anyway, I mainly made this blog because I'm going to start the final draft of my novel Eternal Flame soon and my dream is to get it published and all that...good stuff. So I thought it would be cool  to blog about it as it happens--you know...query letters, agents, just writing the novel in general. Comment below and tell me what you think, and if you're from Figment tell me your user name so I can check out your writing!!
Oh, and since we're on this subject can you Figgies out there check out Ego?



 I also have a Twitter, though really, I haven't gone around to actually using it yet, but it would be nice to have some followers! :)
Til' next time!
-Mel (If you took the time to read all of this and you are a blogger or a Figgie write "cupcake" below and I'll do something like comment on one of your stories/blog posts  : D !!!!!!!)


  1. Cupcake! I wish you luck in editing and getting your book published :)

  2. lol CUPCAKE! :D I hope this all works out for you! <3

    1. oh yeah and I'm S.J. Bouquet! lol

    2. Okay, I was wondering who you were! :)

  3. Cupcake! I'm C.R. Chamberlain on Figment though. ;)

  4. Cupcake! You already know me as Amber-Nicole L. Watty~ GOOOD LUUUUUUUUCK~!
